Clean and Green
How it works.
What to recycle?
Be Green, Get Green
Clean and Green
It's easy to "THINK" clean and green, but at J.P. Mascaro & Sons we know that it is more important to "ACT" clean and green. That's what Mascaro does and our company is dedicated to that goal.

J.P. Mascaro & Sons "Respects and Protects" the Environment:

By "ACTING" clean and green in its business operations

By "ACTING" clean and green in the community

By "ACTING" clean and green in its environmental education programs

Mascaro "ACTS" clean and green in its business operations:
  • By making 100% environmental compliance the company's NUMBER ONE priority.
  • By implementing the "plan–do–check–act" Environ­mental Management System to accomplish the goal of 100% environmental compliance.
  • By establishing a company Environmental Comp­liance Department.
  • By rewarding employees for 100% environmental compliance at Mascaro facilities.
  • By operating three recycling centers and prioritizing recycling.
  • By operating clean and well-maintained solid waste facilities (i.e. landfills, recycling centers, transfer stations and compost facilities).
  • By educating customers about the benefits of waste reduction, re-use and recycling.
  • By managing Mascaro facilities with professionals that are dedicated to our business and the environment.
  • By operating the largest indoor compost facility in the country where sewer plant sludge is beneficially re-used by processing it into "Class A Compost" suitable for general use by nurseries and landscapers.
  • By implementing successful litter and odor control programs at all Mascaro solid waste facilities.
  • By converting landfill methane gas to electricity for local use at the waste-to-energy plant at Mascaro's Pioneer Crossing Landfill.
  • By designing and operating Mascaro landfills to exceed required regulatory standards.
  • By operating a modern, clean and fuel efficient transportation fleet to collect and recycle waste.
  • By beautifying its facilities with landscaping, plantings and improvements that are aesthetically pleasing.

Mascaro "ACTS" clean and green in the community:
  • By providing and operating community drop-off recycling centers without charge.
  • By participating in wetland development and relocation programs that preserve "green" ecosystems and provide valuable plant and animal habitats.
  • By maintaining about 7,000 acres of company owned land in "open space" condition.
  • By sponsoring numerous "Adopt a Highway" cleanup efforts.
  • By working on stream restoration projects.
  • By funding and completing large environment clean-up projects. Mascaro committed $5,000,000 to one such project – the clean-up of an old unpermitted dump that was causing en­­vir­on­mental problems in the community.
  • By significantly supporting and contributing to recognized land trusts, open space programs and other worthy environmental and clean and green programs.
  • By donating "Class A Compost" from its permitted compost facility for community land maintenance projects.
  • By participating in community household hazardous waste collection efforts.
  • By donating land for parks and recreation programs and by supporting communities in such programs.

Mascaro "ACTS" clean and green in its environmental education programs:
  • By developing interactive educational centers where children learn the importance of waste reduction, re-use and recycling, and of preserving the environment.
  • By conducting popular educational tours at its Pioneer Crossing Landfill where children learn about sound environmental disposal practices and about respecting and protecting the environment.
  • By developing and funding with $1,250,000 the unique company sponsored "RESPECT" program. The Mascaro "RESPECT" program, already presented to thousands of students in area elementary schools, is an interactive fun-filled program designed to remind children about the importance of respect in their lives, including respect for the environment and for preservation.
  • By developing an interactive company website for children that is fun for them to visit while at the same time being instructive as to the benefits of environmental protection and preservation.
  • By sponsoring contests for children with prizes that promote the benefits of waste reduction, re-use and recycling.